Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Superbowl of Superbowls

Congratulations to Amy and JP on making it to the 2nd annual k-town fantasy football Superbowl! Whoever wins will not only join greatness and can proudly count themselves among past champions, but will also win a customized I Football Fantasy t-shirt designed by acclaimed fashion icon Hien Pham!

Design Analysis

Fans of the emperor of ice-cream will immediately see the handiwork involved in the creation of this design. First, notice that there is a picture of a football. That is because this is a fantasy football t-shirt. Next notice that there is the word fantasy in the design. That is because this is about fantasy football. Last, consider the word I in the design. This is because the t-shirt is a statement in the first person singular indicative.

Superbowl Preview

Amy's road to the Superbowl first came through last year's runner up, Team Reagan, when she obliterated him 122 - 101 in a very high scoring affair in the first round. In the second round she barely edged out former world champion, the emperor of ice-cream 92-65.

JP also mowed down his first round opponent, Team Fisher, by a score of 123 - 57. His second round was much closer, going up against the favored Italian Stallions. Luckily for JP, superstar Brian Westbrook only put up 6 fantasy points on Monday Night Football, giving JP a win at 95 - 83 and trip to the Superbowl.


  1. Am I crazy, or does this shirt not make any sense at all?

    It is like those "I *heart* NY" shirts, except this one does not make any sense.

  2. Um, I think you got a little mixed up. See, I think your adjectives are backwards. I barely pulled off a wins against Team Reagan, but I pretty much obliterated the Emperor of Ice Cream. Oh, is that you?

  3. Um...this shirt design makes no sense:

    #1. Because the football should be in the shape of a heart...insinuating "I love Fantasy"

    #2. It still wouldn't make sense because everyone will think "why does that guy love fantasy?"...they will be thinking you like to play D&D or some sort of nonsense.

    You're welcome.

  4. mokipotpie: have you ever heard of 'The David' by Michelangelo? The David = I football fantasy t-shirt.
